Downers Grove Township

The Township Supervisor serves as Chief Executive Officer of the township. The Supervisor’s duties and responsibilities include serving as Chairman of the Township Board of Trustees, Supervisor of the General Assistance program, and Treasurer of all Town funds including General Assistance and Road and Bridge funds. The Supervisor also oversees the Human Services Department which has programs for Senior Citizens and Youth. Senior Citizen programs include classes and social events. The Youth Services division teaches Life Skills classes to many schools within the Township Boundaries.

Supervisor News

Legal Notice / Public Notice

Legal Notice/Public Notice Township Budget

LEGAL NOTICE / PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DOWNERS GROVE TOWNSHIP BUDGET Notice is hereby given that a Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Township of Downers Grove, in the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning March 1, 2025 and ending

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Legal Notice / Public Notice

Legal Notice/Public Notice Road District Budget

LEGAL NOTICE / PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DOWNERS GROVE TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT BUDGET Notice is hereby given that a Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for ROAD PURPOSES for the Township of Downers Grove, in the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning

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Legal Notice / Public Notice

Notice Ballot Party Placement Lottery

Notice of Ballot Party Placement Lottery Please be advised that the lottery for ballot placement will be held in the conference room,  4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515 10:00 AM Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Respectfully,  Lorraine Grimsby Clerk Local Election Official

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DuPageCounty Safe Travel for All

DuPage County Safety Action Plan

Help shape the future of traffic safety in your community! Join FB:@dupagecounty/IG:@dupage.county on November 14 for the Safe Tavel for All open house in Bensenville and bring the kids! Your input will help reduce and eliminate serious injuries and deaths on northeastern Illinois’ roads. The open house will be held

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Voter Registration

You can register to vote at the Supervisor’s Office!

To begin the registration process, please call to schedule an appointment. When registering, bring two forms of identification, one of which must have your correct name and address on it. A photo ID is not required to register.

New voters are required to meet the following qualifications:
Voter Registration


Processing Times

Lead times for passport processing are still longer than normal. No priority services are available at this time.

Routine Service
6-8 Weeks
Expedited Service
2-3 Weeks

Downers Grove Township is a Passport Acceptance Agency. To apply for a new U.S. Passport, you must have one of each of the following:

If international departure is less than two weeks away or a passport is needed for foreign visas, submitting an application at a Regional Passport Agency may be advised. An appointment for that is required. Visit for more information.

All passport applicants, regardless of age, must be present during the time of application.  Applicants aged 16 and 17 must have one parent present with them.  Applicants aged 15 and under must have both parents present.

Passport Renewal

You may qualify to submit your passport renewal by using form DS-82. This application can be made by mail only if:

Mosquito Abatement

We have begun our annual efforts to minimize mosquito populations, reduce the risk of West Nile Virus transmission, and preserve the overall comfort and quality of life of our residents.

The Township has contracted with St. Charles-based Clarke to provide our community with an integrated mosquito management program. This includes:

  • Ongoing surveillance to monitor overall mosquito population levels and detect the presence of mosquito-borne disease like West Nile Virus
  • Mapping known mosquito breeding sites throughout the community
  • Applying larval control products to known or active mosquito breeding sites such as catch basins, storm drains and standing water sites.  Larval control products (larvicides) work to control mosquitos in the aquatic larval stage. Larvicides are effective at suppressing overall mosquito populations and preventing the hatch-off of flying biting adults.
  • Adult mosquito control treatments to quickly reduce adult populations when surveillance indicates a rise in populations or the presence of a mosquito-borne disease like West Nile Virus. This involves applying a very small amount of an EPA-registered adult mosquito control product (an adulticide) though an ultra-low-volume sprayer.  The sprayer creates a fine mist of tiny droplets that move through the air and work by making physical contact with adult mosquitoes in-flight.  The treatments are typically scheduled during the evening hours when mosquitoes are most active.

For more information about mosquito control, visit  

To report standing water, high mosquito activity, or be placed on the spray notification call list, please call 1-800-942-2555.

What can you do?

Weed/Grass Control

“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.”

Residential property in the Unincorporated areas of Downers Grove Township must be maintained by the owner. The Township ordinance requires that homeowners keep their yard mowed to a height of no more than 8″ and obnoxious weeds be removed.

When the Township receive complaints about a property, including foreclosed/abandoned homes, that have grass over 8″ or an abundance of weeds, it is the policy of Downers Grove Township that the last known homeowner will receive a certified letter from the Township. If the property is not taken care of, the Township will mow or remove the weeds and a lien of not less than $400.00 will be placed against the property. 

The owner will be responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred from the mowing of the property.

Prairie grasses and wildflowers are not considered a violation of the ordinance.

The Illinois statute is 60 ILCS 1/105-15

To file a complaint, please call the Supervisor office at 630-719-6614.

(Filing a complaint is a process. Resolution of the complaint can take anywhere from 1 to 45 days.)

Refer to the DG Township Weed Ordinance with updated Resolution – February 23, 2023

Refuse Collection Program for Residents of Unincorporated DGT

The fourth year of the Groot refuse contract extension begins April 1, 2022. This program covers single family residences in unincorporated Downers Grove Township only. The planned increases are as indicated here:

Billing cycles remain the same. The Township continues to receive positive comments and feedback on Groot as a refuse carrier. Groot can be reached at 708.485.0900 and at [email protected].

Charitable Organizations


Friends for Downers Grove Townhip Seniors

A not-for-profit organization that supports programs and services offered by the Township that foster the independence and wellbeing of older adults. Based on need, the organization seeks to enhance their quality of life by acting as a resource for funding programs, services, education, and information.

As a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization, monetary donations to Friends for Downers Grove Township Senior Citizens are tax deductible. 

Tax ID# 45-3952379

Make checks payable to: Friends for Downers Grove Township Senior Citizens

Mail to or drop off: Friends for Downers Grove Township Seniors, 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, IL. 60515 

Oak Crest & Oak Hill Foundation

Oak Crest / Oak Hill Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organization Section 501(c)(3) pursuing its mission of providing services for the Township cemeteries.

Governed by a Board of Directors not compensated for its services, Oak Crest/Oak Hill Foundation benefits from the guidance of it’s board members, who represent the community and contribute their professional and educational expertise.

Make checks payable to:
Oak Hill / Oak Crest Foundation
Mail to or drop off: Oak Hill/Oak Crest Foundation, 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515 

Tax ID# 45-3734758

Fish Food Pantry & Community Services

Downers Grove Area FISH is an all-volunteer organization. Limited financial assistance available for persons in Downers Grove, Darien, Westmont, Woodridge, and Lisle.

Food Distribution

Tuesdays 4-6 pm

Fridays 8:30-11:30 am

Clients may visit the pantry once a week. Drive-up or walk-up service provided

Donations Accepted 

Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:30 am – 10:30 am

For more information please call 630-432-5350.

Medical Lending Closet

The Medical Lending Closet is a Township service that provides medical equipment for a 90-day period at no cost to residents. Our service operates completely on your donations. 

Our lending closet offers the following:
Medical Equipment

Please call our office at 630-719-6610 or email [email protected] to set up an appointment to get equipment or to drop off donations.

Supervisor Contact Form

In order to better serve you, please fill out the Contact Form below. Our staff will respond as soon as possible. 

Full name
Contact preference
Township services, check all that apply.
Full mailing address
Information request, question or message to the Township.